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Brigham Young University Sesquicentennial Commemorative Project


Budget: $10,000
Activated: 09/10/2022
Deadline: 11/12/2022
Call Summary
Brigham Young University (BYU) is seeking qualified applicants — artists, architects, landscape architects, designers and design teams — to submit their resumes and examples of relevant creative work. Applications will be reviewed and a limited number of candidates selected to develop conceptual designs for an inspiring, permanent installation to commemorate the 150th anniversary of BYU in 2025.
Budget Description
Selected applicants will be invited to visit Brigham Young University (BYU) to see the campus in Provo, Utah, to learn more about its history and the vision of the Sesquicentennial Celebration. They will then develop conceptual design proposals, including illustrations and related materials to convey their ideas for the project. They will receive an honorarium of $3,000 for their completed conceptual designs. The designer or team whose proposal is ultimately selected will receive an additional $7,000 honorarium.

Depending on qualifications and interest, the winner may also be contracted to serve as a consultant to advise the university on schematic design, engineering, fabrication, installation, construction, and/or implementation of their design concept.
Project Description
Specifications for the actual design and function of the project are open to creative interpretation by the candidates selected to develop conceptual design proposals. The project may take any number of forms — an architectural structure, artistic monument, landscape development, interactive installation, etc. Examples may include sculptural works, murals or mosaics, water features, an amphitheater or gardens, pavilion, building, kinetic or interactive works. The installation might be outdoors or indoors, sheltered or exposed to the elements. Creative ideation and inspired imagination are highly encouraged.
Artwork Goals
The principal goal of this project is to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of BYU by celebrating the university's uniquely inspired Mission and Aims as well as its history, identity, and future aspirations. The project is intended to be a permanent addition to the campus, to be unveiled as part of the Sesquicentennial Celebration in 2025.

The theme of the Sesquicentennial Celebration centers on the idea of light: "That light groweth brighter and brighter"—"That all may be edified of all." (Doctrine & Covenants 50:24; 88:122).

"The mission of Brigham Young University — founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life" (BYU Mission Statement).

"A BYU education should be spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, and character building, leading to lifelong learning and service" (The Aims of a BYU Education).

The designers and/or design team(s) who will be selected following this initial request for qualifications will be invited to develop original, conceptual design proposals that are consistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the standards and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the shared values of BYU students, alumni, faculty, and staff.
Artwork Location Description
The project will be located on BYU campus in Provo, Utah, but a specific site for it has not yet been determined. Finalists will have the opportunity to visit the campus and suggest potential sites as part of their conceptual design proposals.
Site History
We believe a world yearning for hope and joy needs the graduates of Brigham Young University (BYU). As disciples of Jesus Christ, BYU graduates are motivated by love for God and His children. BYU graduates are directed by living prophets and prepared to serve, lift, and lead. This preparation demands a unique university model: at BYU, belief enhances inquiry, study amplifies faith, and revelation leads to deeper understanding.

At BYU, helping students to develop their full divine potential is central to both our teaching and our scholarship. As the flagship higher education institution of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU strives to emit a unique light for the benefit of the world - a light that will enable BYU to be counted among the exceptional universities in the world and an essential example for the world.1

In a landmark address at the centennial celebration of BYU in 1975, then President of the Church, Spencer W. Kimball said, “There are many ways in which BYU can tower above other universities—not ­simply because of the size of its student body or its beautiful campus, but because of the unique light BYU can send forth into the educational world. Your light must have a special glow, for while you will do many things in the programs of this university that are done elsewhere, these same things can and must be done better here than ­others do them. You will also do some special things here that are left undone by other institutions…

“I am both hopeful and expectant that out of this university and the Church Educational System there will rise brilliant stars in drama, literature, music, sculpture, painting, science, and in all the scholarly graces. This university can be the refining host for many such individuals who will touch men and women the world over long after they have left this ­campus.”2

Current President of BYU, Kevin J Worthen recently said, "Students ... can provide uplift to a world yearning for hope and joy. This kind of student requires a unique kind of education. And, that kind of education requires a unique kind of faculty, staff, and administrators ... who prioritize the eternal development of students over the praise and prestige of other pursuits.”3

Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently stated, "I see more clearly a BYU education not as privilege enhancement but as service enhancement." Elder Christofferson explained that prior to our students living a higher life of service, we must help them develop three things:

1. A love of God and Christ-like love for fellow man.
2. A focus on their priority identities as a child of God, a child of the covenant and a disciple of Jesus Christ.
3. The ability to forgive and promote a culture of mercy.4

For more information about the history of BYU and its unique purpose and character, please consider the following:
Professional artists, architects, and designers — including landscape architects, muralists, sculptors, installation artists, concept artists, etc. — are encouraged to apply. Students in the creative disciplines of visual arts, architecture, and design are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must be at least 18 years old to receive a contract to develop conceptual design proposals.

Membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not required. However, the selection committee seeks candidates who enthusiastically support BYU’s unique mission and aims. Friends of the university including alumni, faculty, staff, students, and supporters who are academically and/or professionally qualified are encouraged to apply.
Application Requirements
Resume: 2 page(s) maximum
Work examples: 5 - 15
Letter of Interest: 500 word maximum
Please briefly summarize your interest in, and qualifications for participating in the conceptual design of the project. Cite relevant professional work and educational experiences, including important projects, commissions, competitions, awards and honors. Indicate your specific role and responsibilities in any listed group, team, or collaborative projects, and specify whether your intention is to apply as an individual designer or part of a team. If you are applying as a team, please list all team members by name. If you are a student enrolled in a degree program, please specify your institution, major/emphasis, and expected date of graduation.
Artists are allowed to apply in teams.
Artists applying as a team must split the allotted number of work examples between themselves.
Selection Information
Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed by a university committee including professionals in architecture, design, fine art, and facilities management. The committee will select a limited number of qualified applicants from a variety of relevant disciplines to commission design proposals. Candidates who accept this commission will be invited to visit BYU at the university's expense to see the campus and learn more about its unique character, history, and mission. During their visit, they will have an opportunity to consider a number of different potential sites to locate their design proposals.

The designer or team whose proposal is ultimately selected will receive an additional $7,000 honorarium. Depending on qualifications and interest, the winner may also be contracted to serve as a consultant to advise the university on schematic design, engineering, fabrication, installation, construction, and/or implementation of their design concept.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of artistic merit, creative vision, relevance and resonance with the university's mission, character, community, and the themes of the Sesquicentennial Celebration. The selection committee is interested in including student applicants in the group of candidate designers, so students are encouraged to apply. As with professional applicants, students are expected to articulate their creative vision generally (not develop a specific design proposal at this stage), and demonstrate their capacity to deliver an effective design proposal if selected as a candidate.
The conceptual design phase consists of a review of applications submitted in response to this initial request for qualifications (RFQ), the selection and notification of accepted candidates, the development of conceptual design proposals, reviews of the submitted proposals, and the selection of conceptual design(s) in Spring 2023. Schematic design, fabrication, construction, and installation will be addressed in the next phase with an additional budget not included in the conceptual design phase.

Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2022, and selected candidates will be notified and invited to visit BYU campus after November 11. Selected candidates will be expected to submit their design proposals in February 2023. After review of submitted designs, finalists will be notified and have the opportunity to revise their designs based on feedback from the review board. The committee anticipates a final design will be approved and announced in the second quarter of 2023.
Additional Resources
Contact Information
BYU Sequicentennial Committee



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