Budget: $475,000 |
Activated: 09/06/2024 Deadline: 10/16/2024 |
Call Summary The Arts and Culture Department, in collaboration with the Street Transportation Department, seeks to commission pedestrian-scale artworks as part of the Dobbins Road Improvement Project. The project will be a collaboration between the artist, or artist team, the project design team, city departments, local stakeholders, and community groups. The selected artist(s) will design, fabricate, and install integrated public art along Dobbins Road. The artworks should enrich the area’s visual identity and further enhance the pedestrian experience along Dobbins Rd. Artwork must be suitable for public display, avoid political statements, and be crafted from durable materials designed to withstand the desert environment. |
Budget Description The all-inclusive budget for the Dobbins Road Improvement Public Art Project is not to exceed $475,000. This includes all costs related to the completion of the project, including but not limited to, artist fees, community outreach, design development, structural engineering, research, fabrication, insurance, permits and installation of the artwork. Note: Some elements of the artwork may be installed by a City contractor, for convenience, depending on the final design of the artwork. However, all installation costs will be paid by the art budget. |
Project Description The project focuses on widening approximately 4.3 miles of Dobbins Road from State Route 202 to 27th Avenue. This project aims to alleviate traffic congestion, enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety, improve public transit access, and address drainage and flooding concerns. The Dobbins Road Improvement Project will develop a consistent corridor that increases the traffic capacity along Dobbins Road. Key features include connecting the Laveen community with multi-use paths, transit improvements, and enhancements such as landscaping, lighting upgrades, drainage solutions, bus stops, shade structures, and utility relocations. The artworks should complement these new amenities, some of which could be artist-designed (ie: shade structures). |
Artwork Goals Artwork commissioned for this opportunity must meet the following goals. The artwork should: •Enhance Community Identity: Reflect and celebrate Laveen’s unique character and agricultural heritage, promoting a sense of pride and connection among residents. •Enrich the Pedestrian Experience: Create engaging and visually stimulating artwork that enhances the experience for pedestrians and cyclists, making the area more inviting and enjoyable. •Ensure Durability and Integration: Utilize durable materials suitable for the desert environment and design artwork that seamlessly integrates with the project’s landscaping, lighting, and architectural elements. |
Artwork Location Description Exact locations for artwork along the 4.3 mile stretch will be determined through a collaborative design process. |
Site History The Dobbins Road Improvement Project is located in Laveen, Arizona, a community in the southwestern part of the Phoenix metropolitan area. This land is deeply connected to the Akimel O’odham (Pima) people, who have historically cultivated the land using advanced irrigation and farming techniques, fostering a thriving agricultural community. As Laveen has grown and developed, the contributions of the O’odham people remain a significant part of its history and cultural landscape. Their knowledge and stewardship of the land laid the foundation for the area’s agricultural prosperity, which continues to influence Laveen’s identity today. Laveen is bordered by the Salt River on the north, South Mountain Park & Preserve on the south, the Gila River Indian Community on the west, and 27th Avenue on the east. Laveen has been long valued by farmers, equestrians, and residents searching for solitude and easy mountain access for the views and outdoor activities. Once a quiet agricultural community, it has transformed over recent decades into a growing residential area while maintaining some of its rural charm. It is known for its family-friendly atmosphere and a strong sense of community that blends suburban living with the open spaces and agricultural roots that define its past. Recent infrastructure developments, like the Loop 202 freeway, have improved access to major highways, making commutes easier throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area. Despite this rapid development, Laveen has managed to retain its unique character, with working farms still dotting the landscape alongside newer housing developments. |
Eligibility This project is open to all professional artists, at least 18 years of age, living in Arizona with the demonstrated ability to meet the criteria regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender. Artists who have no previous public art experience are encouraged to apply as a team with an experienced artist or design professional. Artists applying as a member of a team are not eligible to also apply as an individual. Artists who do not reside in Arizona may be a part of a team lead by an Arizona artist. City of Phoenix employees and Arts and Culture Commissioners and their immediate family members, and selection panelists and selection panelists’ immediate families, are excluded from participating in this project. Applications from Artists’ representatives, managers, or galleries will not be accepted. |
Application Requirements |
Resume: 3 page(s) maximum Work examples: 10 Letter of Interest: 500 word maximum Think of this as a cover letter to a job application. Be as succinct as possible. Describe why you are interested in this opportunity, highlight any relevant experience, and address to the evaluation criteria and artwork goals. |
Artists are allowed to apply in teams.
Artists applying as a team must split the allotted number of work examples between themselves. |
Selection Information |
Selection Process A selection panel will be convened to review the applications received and make recommendations to the Arts and Culture Commission. Members of the panel may include art and design professionals, subject matter experts, community members, members of the project design team, or City staff. Arts and Culture staff will facilitate the selection process. One artist and one alternate will be selected for this opportunity. The panel may conduct interviews with selected finalists, or request proposals (for a stipend), before making a final recommendation to the Arts and Culture Commission. The final recommendation of the selection panel will be reviewed by the Arts and Culture Commission; a subcommittee of the City Council; and the Mayor and City Council prior to the award of any contracts. |
Selection Criteria Responses to this RFQ should be concise, well-organized and provide the requested information. Applications lacking the necessary information, or submitted past the deadline, will not be considered. 20 pts. Experience in collaborative design work and community engagement- (This can be described in your Letter of Interest and does not have to be art related.) 15 pts. Demonstrated artistic quality of previously completed work - (Can include relevant studio work) 10 pts. Expressed interest in creating a signature artwork for this site 5 pts. Potential to create an impactful design suitable for this project 50 pts. Total |
Timeline Subject to Change: September 7, 2024 - Call to Artists released September 18, 2024 - Informational Meeting at 12:00 PM October 9, 2024 - Deadline for questions at 5:00 PM October 16, 2024 - Application Deadline at 5:00 PM November 2024 - Selection panel review and finalist interviews December 2024 - Arts & Culture Commission approval of selected artist January-February 2025 - City Council approval and award of contract 2025-2026 - Community engagement and design development 2027 - Construction begins, installation of artworks TBD* *Exact dates for installation will be determined based on the construction schedule. |
Additional Resources | |
RFQ - Dobbins Road Improvement Public Art Project (PDF) |
Contact Information | Romeo Rabusa 200 W. Washington St, 10th Fl Phoenix AZ 85003 United States 602-534-8334 |